Monday, November 16, 2009

I need help.?

I am 27 years old a wife and mother of three beutiful childern. I have been struggeling with my weight since my second childs birth. I was put on bed rest for my last two pregnancies. I live on a very restitricted diet and I work out regularly. I know how to eat and what I need to do to be healthy. But I have a tremendious amount of extra skin from my pregnancies. So no matter how much I work out or how restricted my diet is I can not loose this. I am desperate. I have been looking into plastic surgery but ouch the cost.. If anyone could please help me. A website that could help me or somthing I could try at home that might help. I read coco butter helps but it hasn't been working for me. I have been to my doctor repeatedly and he's hopeless. I've had my thyroid tested they say it's fine. I know allot of it is that I need to loose a few pounds but the skin just makes worse. Thanks so much for any responses any of you might have and thanks so much for your time.

I need help.?
it could take years for the skin to return to normal if at all. other than surgery i would suggest trying to build some muscle to fill out the extra skin. you could also consider growth hormone therapy. this rebuild every cell in you body. making you 5-10 years younger health wise.
Reply:Assuming your diet is healthy, I would focus on your exercise routine. I recommend performing cardio exercises for 30-60 minutes 5-6 days per week. Also add strength training 2-3 days per week with a day of rest in between sessions. To help with the excess skin, you should lift light weights for a high number of repetions. I would try 20-25 reps for the problem areas, and 12-15 reps for the major muscles. This won't completely eliminate excess skin, but it should tighten it up some.

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