Thursday, May 7, 2009

Would you donate your oragans??

If you knew that you were about to die in one month and the doctors asked "can you donate your organs//body parts for people who still have chances to live//or for plastic surgery after you die? Please?" And your response would be what??

(some plastic surgeries require a human skin dead or alive and some doctors tore out chunks of skin of a dead person to perform certain types of surgeries)

BUT... would you donate it?? To which ones?? or donate to both reasons?? and if you don't want to donate your organs why not sinec you are about to die anyways why not save someone else who can live and can have second chance of life even though you don't get one.. which is sad but why not donate it for others need??

Would you donate your oragans??
Your body has the potential to save at least 50 peoples lives by donating organs. Your eyes, skin, bones, tendons, heart, lungs, pancrease are just a few that can be used. Tissues like skin and bone can be harvested several hours after death. You cannot just tell the doctor that you want to donate. YOU MUST TELL YOUR LOVED ONES!! They make the decision to donate, not the doctor.
Reply:yes i donate whatever organ is good %26amp; tell to doctor to take it. i am soooooo bound to help other so that i am satisfied.

i am threr to help other who will sougth help from from me......................................... love donate other so that they will be happy %26amp; at least they bless me thats keeps me saved.
Reply:exactly, why not? maybe the more appropriate question is: Why wouldn't you donate your organs?
Reply:It would have to be the greatest gift in life, to stop one's suffering, extending a life, giving one eyesight, etc. What does it matter once dead, but you can die happy in the knowledge that you have help someone in great need.


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