Thursday, May 7, 2009

Clit and vagina(help, not possible to see a doctor)?

i can not see a doctor i have no medical insurance and dont have the money.please help me! already know it is not an STD, first off around my vagina the skin is really itchy and i am pretty sure the skin is peeling,i have a lot of white,clearish sticky discharge(i have had a yeast infection and this is not the same) it is not my vagina itself just the outside area.second problem is that on the outer sides of the vagina near the clit i have two small painful cuts on both sides.theese have both been going on for at least two months,and i am not sure if they are related.

Clit and vagina(help, not possible to see a doctor)?
Use hydrocortizone ointment, it will help with the itching. You could have developed bacterial vaginosis, and that ain't pretty. It took me a month to get it cleared up, and screwd up my period royally. Plz go to the ER they will help you with billing, it is worth it for something this important to mayne end up on your credit report. I would'nt want to see you screamming at yourself on the inside and wanting to bang your head off the wall from an itch.....I felt the same way and still went, it was a big problem for me, I wouldn't want anyone else to go through it.
Reply:How do you know for sure it's not an STD??? Anyway you can go to the public health department, you don't need insurance, it is free and they check all that and give you medications. It is totally private even a parent can't get your records %26amp; they don't discuss it with anyone but you...If it is a yeast infection you need to get that treated it can cause worse problems, they will give you the medicine, as well as birth control, std test %26amp; meds, anything to do with pregnancy before during %26amp; after! They have the gardasil vaccine too!
Reply:sound to me like a yeast infection

you have the cuts cause its dry

just go to the drugstore and get some medicine

it doesnt have to be the same to get another yeast infection

best health!
Reply:Clean your toys after using them, sounds like you have been playing dirty!!!!!
Reply:actually it sounds like a yeast infection...

it could also be due to shaving the area but you didn't mention if you shaved or not. If you do, the itching could be caused by razor bumps and ingrown hairs, and that would explain the cuts as well.
Reply:you have a fungal infection get your self a monistat and you will be fine

also try to keep good personal hygiene that will help

plus you can use benadry at night it will help with itching but it will give you good sleep do not drive after taking benadryl
Reply:sounds like the cuts may be infected
Reply:sounds like a bad case of yeast infection.

wear cotton panties, at night don't wear panties so it can air out. use a clean wash cloth (white) and use peroxide.
Reply:It definitely sounds like a bad yeast infection. Possibly with a bacterial infection in the cuts. You could try to treat this at home. Two months is a very long time to experience those symptoms though. If it were me, and I'm most definitely not a doctor, I would try to treat the "yeast infection" symptoms for about a week. I seriously would buy 2 of the 3 day treatment packs. Then if in a week, the itchiness and discharge eases up, then (this is totally just me, in a last ditch effort, as a last resort.) I would try a little anti-bacterial ointment -such as neosporin - (maybe mixed with some hydrocortisone cream - such as cortaid) vaginally and externally at night for a few days. You could do that by taking a clean - I mean CLEAN! everything near your genitals should be sterile or close to it- oral syringe and filling it with the ointment/cream. Insert it high in your vagina and push the plunger until its empty.

But I must say, I would ONLY and I mean ONLY do that after calling EVERY SINGLE POSSIBLE place in town searching for a clinic for uninsured low-income individuals. They are out there. Some of them you have to pay a little. This sounds very serious considering the length of time you've had it. I sincerely hope you only try treating it yourself for a short time. It could be an STD (unless you're not having sex) that won't be cleared up with over the counter meds.

This may indeed be what is termed a "non specific infection", which should be thought of as an STD but because it has no specific relative cause, they call it that.

All the same, please try to get to a State Clinic and see a medical practitioner there. Costs nothing.

Douche with a mild solution of lukewarm water and salt. Coarse salt is best.

Clean your self out with that.

If you can, get some "Eu sol" from the pharmacy and bath in a mild solution of that. It will clean you properly and fight bacteria.

You can also get several vaginal creams from the pharmacy for these non specific conditions. One is called, "gyno dectarin", if you ask the pharmacy for it, he will supply.

Good luck

Reply:you need to go to a health department or an emergancy room like yesterday.because you may have a very bad case of yeast or you may truly have an std which is called tricomonas. and with that left untreated can lead to pid (pelvic inflammitory disease) so please go and get that checked. cause it is very treatable
Reply:your vagina is probably dry honey. just apply some vaseline to the area and the cuts are probably caused by the dryness. as far as the white sticky discharge its either gonorhea or c / u / m. or maybe its a different kind of infection.

paper bush

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