Saturday, April 24, 2010

Dog attack will he be put down?

i had just put my dog out side tied up on a chain i mind you, and he gave it a running start and it snaped just as a laddie was walking by with another large dog my dog jumped the fence and attacked not a bloody fight he broke skin but nothing magor i thik i havent seen the dog yet, that dog out ran mine and my dog gave up. He is a ham around people he even eats jelly beans out of my husbands mouth gross i know but it goes to show he even loves childeren . We live in ma and im not sure what they'll do to him because this is the second time. He was never bred to do this and i dont know why he does? i just want to save him from the death sentence is that what will happen? I need to know how we can save him, i wont go into hiding but unfortunetly me 11 y/o will if we dont figure something out it happened yesterday. please tell me what to do my daughter is onthe verge of running away with him! help! and when i say chained up imean on a cable i'm just asking will he be put down?

Dog attack will he be put down?
Now you know for certain that your dog is dog aggressive. Many things could be the cause of this including genetic predisposition, isolation as a puppy, mistreatment by other dogs, etc.

Since you know that this happens, you cannot leave your dog anywhere another dog may be. You need to put the dog in the house, put him in a basket muzzle when outside and never leave him unattended on a chain, in the yard, at a park, etc.

Whether or not your dog is good with your family does not determine how he is with other people (strangers), children (yelling, screaming, running), cats and other dogs. A dog can be well behaved with you and dangerous to others.

I suggest that you find a good dog trainer to figure out what the problem is (fear aggression, dominance aggression, territorial aggression, resource guarding, etc.) and put together a written plan to fix it. If you end up in legal difficulty, this will provide a concrete plan for fixing the problem.

Even if you do not get into legal problems, this will happen again. You may not be able to cure him of his dog aggression but at least you will know that he has to be contained around other dogs. Never put an aggressive dog on a chain and leave him. That just increases fear, aggression and leaves him open to be hurt and to hurt others.

Best of luck.
Reply:Was the other dogs on your property?? just curious. He might have felt that his territory was being threaten... Has he been socialized around other dogs?
Reply:My uncle had a dog named Dudley. He loved people to death. He was a mutt, and they didn't know what mix he really was. Dudley turned out to be a black lab and a pitbull mix. The black lab explained the love for attention from humans. The pit bull explained the agression on any other dog he saw. One day he picked a fight with a neighbor dog. The neighbor dog ended up getting killed. Dudley then had to be put to sleep.

It was really terrible for anyone that knew him. He really was a lovely dog. And only 2 years old.

I suggest you keep your dog as far away from other dogs, if he does this a lot. You don't want to lose him.
Reply:It depends on the city ordinances in your area, like if they took your dog for quarantine or if the lady is going to have medical bills or anything like that. You should contact her to find out if the incident has been reported and to whom, and then contact them to find out what the policy is.
Reply:Did someone report it? Unfortunetly, depending on the breed (and I own 'pitbulls myself), if you do wind up in court the judge will order the dog to be put down. Even though he was on his property tied, then broke the leash--he is still your responsibility. You said your daughter is "running away with him"? (????) This doesn't solve the problem. How many times will she run? What if this happens in the next place?

If everything turns out well, turn to a trainer and look into getting a kennel for him.
Reply:here is a web site on chained dogs . did you know that statistic show that chained dog is 4 times more likely to bite then an unchained dog ,

well now this proves my point from a later question now we know it was a pit bull .

Pit bulls are not the right breed for an inexperienced dog owner .

Yes pit bulls can be aggressive ,

You need to be an experienced dog owner to have one and you must have a very well fenced yard to keep your dog from running loose.

Yes your dog is very sweet and cute but it will grow up to be a powerful dog.

If your dog gets loose and bites another dog or a person you could get sued. ,

One thing about pit bulls, and you will here this over and over again, the dogs are sweet and loving toward their owners and their owners are shocked when they bite some one .

And you here it on the news , the owners saying , I cant understand it,,, she has alway been such a sweet dog I don;t understand why she attacked .

. This is because the owners were inexperienced and did not see the warning signs and the increase in their dogs guard or pray drive.

Many pit bulls are great family dogs and many are not,
Reply:It will depend on your county/jurisdiction's laws. Some will fine you, they may ask that you muzzle the dog at all times... and others may ask that you put the dog down...has this been reported to the authorities? if not then you may be upset for nothing...I would however get this dog some training...before something serious happens...even if it only goes after dogs...what if your 11 year old was walking your dog and a dog went after the dog she was walking...what if your daughter got hurt...Please seek help for the dog...get him in training, it would also help to have the dog in some type of training BEFORE the authorities step in...Do it now...
Reply:THIS IS PROOF TO EVERYONE THAT OWNS A PUPPY...YOU MUST SOCIALIZE HIM!!! THE ASKERER OBVIOUSLY DID NOT SOCIALIZE HIS DOG AND THIS HAPPENED..(not to argue with you sorry for what had happened,and its not your fault..simply an instinct from your dog to protect YOU.)and make sure you give him A LOT of excersise.I MEAN A LOT.TIRE HIM OUT COMPLETELY.
Reply:From what I heard, your dog will be tried. They will judge the event (Sorry, I'm not sure who they is) and will come to a conclusion as whether this dog can be a health hazard to its surroundings. Seeing as its the second attack, doesnt look too good im afraid. You'll have to convince them that your dog is trainable and safe. And I mean you GOTTA prove it.
Reply:I don't think your dog will be put down for attacking another dog, even if it is the second time. I think if he had attacked a person, especially if it was the second time, THEN he MIGHT be put down. Animal control officers don't really want to put an animal down if they don't have to. They're not out to kill animals, but to protect them and to protect people. Even animals that attack people might be held in quarantine for a few days to make sure that the person doesn't come down with rabies or something, and then if that person is fine after the quarantine period, then the dog is often returned to the owner, and the owner usually has to pay a fine and receives a warning. Often times the owner is required to keep the dog restrained at all times while outdoors.

The only times I have really heard of a dog being put down after an attack, is when someone isn't just bitten, but is injured, more than just a surface bite. Animal control officers understand that when dogs are around other dogs, there are territorial reasons why they might lunge after another dog. It becomes a different story however, when they lunge after a human, especially if that human is injured. Since you said that your dog is a very friendly dog and only attacked another dog, my guess is that everything should be okay, but you might receive a warning, be required to keep your dog restrained and pay a fine. Because you said that your dog was not bred to attack, that tells me that your dog MIGHT be a pitbull (am I correct?). Even if your dog is a breed that is often associated with being vicious, that doesn't mean it will automatically go bad for him. I have been around some of the sweetest pitbulls a few times, and sadly, they have a reputation for being vicious when they are not inherently mean - some are just trained to be. Anyway, my suggestion is to make an anonymous call to Animal Control and ask them what would happen in a scenario such as yours. Tell them that your dog is very sweet and you were in the process of putting your dog on the cable when the other dog came by, and that you feel it was merely a territorial attack and only the skin was broken, nothing more. Hopefully they can answer your questions and put your and your daughter's mind at ease. Good luck.
Reply:First of all, tying out is very bad for dogs. It makes them more aggressive because they feel that other people and dogs can approach them but they can't get away, so they are more likely to become aggressive and attack. The U.S. Center for Disease Control studied dog bites and found that the two leading factors related to dog bites is tying dogs out and neutered males.

Which leads to the next question - is he neutered. If not, he must be.

Since he can get over the fence and off your property, you must build him a dog run that he cannot get out of - possibly with a roof.

The authorities will consider his past history and the severity of the attacks. If you agree to neuter him (if it has not been done) and agree to build a run from which he cannot escape, you'll stand a better chance of getting him back. You must also agree to pay the medical bills for the other dog.
Reply:Your dog is dog aggressive, like mine. For some reason they become jealous of other dogs and react like this. Perhaps you can contact a dog trainer who knows how to socialize your dog. This would also help you if anything becomes of this.
Reply:I agree with APHID, your dog is dog aggressive. My oldest dog is also dog aggressive, more dominant aggressive. She wasn't like this until our first dog died and she is mostly aggressive when I am around (doesn't do this with my husband). NEVER leave a dog tied out on a lead without being there! A kennel, enclosure, run, whatever you call it, is best; if the dog can get over a fence, you will need a roof. Consult with a dog trainer and work at desensitizing your dog around other dogs. This takes time, patience and perseverance and this issue may never "go away".

I am not able to comment on what may happen to your dog as I am not familiar with the regulations in your area.
Reply:There is no way we can guess what the authorities may do.

However, if I was walking down a public area with or without a dog and was attacked by a loose dog...I would push heartily for the strictest form of punishment.......

I have a right for safety.

You have the responsibility to make sure your dog stays on your property and is not dangerous.

gee.....another "sweet, well behaved" pittbull

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